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Saturday, February 23, 2008

Lube & Screw

I usually buy Gel Medium and Gesso in large size bottles because it is less expensive that way. These larger bottles tend to last a long time and build up product around the lid that becomes sticky. Well, when you are using a sticky product like Gel Medium the last thing you want is for that stick effect to take place around your lid. So when I buy new bottles I rub some Petroluem Jelly around the edges of all the jars or bottles I buy. It really helps to keep things unstuck and screwing nicely :)

Do this to all your craft paints, gesso bottles, and glue tops from now on, you'll thank me later...


Lauren Ferguson said...

Oh, I love you. I am going to do this when I get home.

I have three bottles right now that I know are stuck shut. I had them soaking in hot water the last time I opened them.

You are the bee's knees.

love ya like cooked food,

renelli said...

Hi Lauren,
Today is my 21st. wedding anniversity! Al and I just got home from the gym (we are both trying to loose some weight). I realized that I haven't checked my emil or my blog in such a long time that while my kitchen floor was drying I figured I would just on the computer now. Of course every time I get on here it ends up being at least an hour, it's never quick. Anyway... I know if you do the tip I gave everyone you will be so happy in the future. I don't know how many times my gesso bottles used to get stuck shut in the past. Are you doing anything for the Make it University?